Commercial Wood Chipper
A wood chipper is a very useful machine that can convert unwanted limbs and twigs into mulch, which can then be used as organic compost for your garden. These machines come in a variety of sizes and are sometimes equipped with assorted features. There are residential wood chippers and there are also commercial wood chippers, and as the two terms suggest, residential machines are used for the purpose of cleaning up tree branches and trunks in a property's backyard, while commercial machines are best used by companies that offer tree removal or cleanup services. There are also some homeowners that prefer buying a commercial wood chipper, and this is especially true for those who have large open spaces in their property or those with plenty of trees in their yard.

Differences Between Residential and Commercial Wood Chipper
Although the chipping mechanisms for both residential and commercial wood chippers are basically the same, these two types of machines differ in more ways than one. Residential wood chippers can only handle small sizes and will only take in a minimal amount of materials at a time otherwise it will become clogged. Commercial wood chippers, on the other hand, are more than capable of grinding larger branches and because these machines are bigger in size, they are also able to process more materials in one go. Usually, an inexpensive home wood chipper can only grind branches no bigger than 2.5 inches however a commercial wood chipper can handle branches with a diameter of up to 6 inches. Another difference is in the durability of the machines, with the commercial type commonly more robust than the residential type.
Who Should Buy a Commercial Wood Chipper?
Apparently, everyone wants to purchase machines that are durable because in the long run, it will be more cost-effective. People would also naturally choose a machine that can perform its function quickly and effortlessly, which is why even homeowners opt for commercial wood chippers. However, is it really practical to buy one? Well the answer depends on what you are looking for in a wood chipper as well as the reason that you need one. If you think you will be using it quite often like if you live in a farm or in an area where there are lots of trees, then yes, it would make sense to buy one. In addition, if you are thinking of putting up a tree service then without a doubt, a commercial wood chipper would be the best choice.
Popular Commercial Wood Chipper Products
Two of the biggest names in commercial wood chipper business are Vermeer and Morbark. Vermeer's best machine yet is the Vermeer BC2000XL, which is a brush chipper with a drum mechanism that comes with a three Caterpillar Tier 2 engine. Morbark's most priced commodity at the moment is the Hurricane 18, a powerful 200 horsepower machine that operates with a drum mechanism and 4 double-edged blades. Both machines are considered industrial scale wood chippers and can grind large branches and even whole trees.