Mobile Wood Chipper
Wood chippers are machines that slice and shred yard debris into smaller pieces. It is equipped with blades and rollers and usually made of solid steel. Though many people find it hard to imagine wood chippers being mobile, you'd surprised though because even the heaviest industrial model can be a mobile wood chipper. In fact, non-mobile versions are not very common anymore. If you browse through the selections offered in stores both online and in brick and mortar establishments, most if not all machines have different levels and methods of maneuverability.

A Quick Guide to Mobile Wood Chipper
When you say that something is mobile, obviously it means it can be moved. And no, you don't have to be all muscled up or be able to lift a wood chipper in order to transfer it from one location to another. A mobile wood chipper can come in different forms and sizes and for the models typically used by homeowners, they come equipped with transport wheels that allow you to move them around in your yard with ease. Even the heavyset ones that are geared towards more commercial use are designed to be lifted onto the backs of trucks or trailers for easy transportation. And still, there are those that are called recyclers and whole tree chippers (these machines can handle branches and tree limbs up to a few feet in diameter), and due to their size, these machines are mounted on trucks and powered by a separate engine.
What's Available Now
A mobile wood chipper can either be electrical or gas powered. These models have wheels to allow easy transport in between uses. The surface cover on the body should be easy to remove to enable cleaning after use since this is an important step in ensuring that your machine will keep running smoothly for years. Those with vacuum attachments are also gaining in popularity as it makes the gathering and shredding process a one-step deal. A sturdy home wood chipper can be had for as low as $500 or even less if you opt for brands offering discounts. Those who are expecting to use it for some heavy-duty tasks should keep the horsepower of the engine in mind when choosing the right model. Industrial machines are designed for those who are in the woodworking and professional landscaping industry since these machines have a faster feed rate and chipping capacity. These tree recyclers are also used for clearing large areas of land.
Mobile Wood Chipper Models in Development
Even though the market already has more than enough models to fulfill most if not all the needs of those who buy them, companies are still doing extensive research and product testing on newer models that can do even more than what the current lineups can. Some of the more common design innovations include a crane attachment on a mobile wood chipper to allow it to both lift and feed trees and limbs directly into the feeder. The preliminary sketches show that it is similar in appearance to a typical construction crane but with the addition of a chipping drum.